12 Signs You Need Hearing Aids

12 Signs You Need Hearing Aids


Many people with hearing loss simply adjust their lifestyle to hide their hearing loss. They often remove themselves from social situations and avoid conversations with others. Not only can hearing loss can also make it hard to enjoy talking with loved ones, but it can lead to greater issues.

For instance, if you have trouble hearing, it can be difficult to understand your doctor’s advice, respond to warnings, or hear phones, doorbells, and smoke alarms. Fortunately, for most folks, hearing aids can help to combat many of the effects of age-related hearing loss. 

Because age-related hearing loss is gradual, you may not recognize that you are showing signs of hearing loss. By understanding the potential challenges your hearing loss can cause, and what you can do to counter it, you can dramatically change your life for the better.

Here are twelve signs you need hearing aids:

  1. Telephone - If you find the volume setting on your phone is always at or near max, and you still have trouble understanding some voices, it's highly likely you have treatable hearing loss.

  2. T.V. - The dialog in movies being masked by the soundtrack indicates a problem in your ability to focus on speech in noise, which is a symptom of hearing loss.  Turning up the volume until family and friends complain is also a sure sign hearing aids will help you.

  3. Intimate conversation – If whispers and softly spoken words have become impossible to understand if the speaker is more than an arm's length away, you’re missing out on some of life’s best moments because of hearing loss.

  4. Vehicle conversation – When road noise strains road-trip conversations, especially between front seat and back seat passengers, there’s a problem.  It’s time to check both the vehicle and your ears.

  5. Restaurants - Choosing where to dine by ambient noise levels, rather than food quality, is a coping mechanism common in the hearing-impaired community. Wearing hearing aids with advanced noise reduction can be a huge help in difficult listening environments.

  6. Activities – Are your habits changing because of your hearing?  When your favorite pastime becomes more work than fun it may be due to all the effort you are putting in just to hear and keep your head in the game.   

  7. Asking people to repeat – If asking “What?” is becoming a chore for you and an irritant to friends and family the ‘best’ time to do something about your hearing problem has already passed.  

  8. Children – As a group, children voices have more high-frequency components than any other.  And since high-frequency hearing loss is the most common type, hearing aids can make understanding the youngsters around you possible again.

  9. Reading lips - Although everyone reads lips to some degree, hearing-impaired people come to depend on it.  If you experience difficulty understanding the person speaking if they are not facing you then you may be using eyesight to compensate for hearing loss.  Wearing hearing aids makes it easier to focus on the speaker’s eyes instead of their lips.

  10. Alarms - Electric devices have become such a big part of life we've come to depend on them.  Unfortunately, the way these devices communicate with us is through high-frequency tones, beeps, clicks, etc. High-frequency hearing loss, from noise damage and aging, is by far the most common type of hearing loss.  You may notice missing what the surrounding machines are saying more than the surrounding people.

  11. Antisocial behavior - Your lifestyle takes a hit if you are avoiding people due to the effort it takes to hold a conversation. It is well documented that long-term hearing loss negatively affects social, psychological, and cognitive functions.  

  12. Happiness – Most people derive pleasure from interacting with loved ones, participating in group activities, and a lifetime of earning a comfortable living.  Untreated hearing loss puts these positive aspects of our lives at risk.

Not only are hearing aids becoming more powerful and affordable, but they are also a proven solution to help improve your communications with loved ones, hear your electronic devices and enjoy quality time in your favorite restaurants!

At Advanced Affordable Hearing, treating hearing loss is now easier and less expensive than ever. To start your journey to hearing better, simply visit our [url:online-hearing-check]. This will help you get a general sense of your hearing loss level, so you can order the best hearing aid for you.

To begin your journey to hearing better, contact us now.  


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