Tips For New Hearing Aid Users
If you have not worn a hearing aid before, there will be a transition period where you think they may not be working. This feeling is very normal, as you have to train you brain to hear again. The longer a person goes with untreated hearing loss, the longer the transition period will be for adjusting to life hearing aids. Here are seven tips for helping you, as a new hearing aid user, to get the best experience from your new device.
Step 1. Relax!
Wait until you have some time to calmly test your hearing aids in an environment that is quiet and free of stress. Start wearing your hearing aids, and begin to get used to the new sounds you can hear. The sound of passing cars, or the humming of the heater, may sound very loud at first. This is normal. We have to train your brain to hear again!
Step 2. Have a conversation with yourself.
While doing so, learn how to adjust the volume of your own voice while you are wearing your hearing aids. At first, it will sound strange hearing yourself in a different way than you have heard yourself in awhile. This is normal! Slowly adjust the hearing aid until you feel it is best suited for you.
Step 3. Have a conversation with a friends or family members.
Get use to the sound and how to distinguish between different people and patterns again.
Step 4. Don't get frustrated!
It will take some time to adjust to your new hearing aids. Wear your hearing aids for as many hours a day as you can. Try to increase that time period every day after, until you reach a target goal of wearing them as long as you would want on any given day.
Step 5. Ask someone (with normal hearing) set the TV volume to a comfortable level.
Spend some time listening to the television (and watching different kinds of shows with different sound profiles), and make sure that your new hearing aids are adjusted appropriately to hear the television.
Step 6. Start taking your hearing out into the real world.
And by the 'real world,' we mean restaurants, parties, or meetings. Don't get frustrated if it is hard at first. Even people with normal hearing can have issues hearing in confusing environments.
Over time, your brain will adjust to all of these sounds allowing you to hear more clearly than you have in a long time. Adjust to using your hearing aids in your everyday life. Stay calm, and be patient with yourself until your brain learns to interpret noise and sounds correctly again.
Step 7. Enjoy your new hearing ability!
Once you have adjusted to wearing hearing aids, you will be experiencing life in a way you have not had the opportunity to in a long time. Go see a symphony. Go to a social gathering that you previously would have canceled on. Take your new hearing out for a test drive!
Since 1996, Advanced Affordable Hearing has been helping people to hear better at a price they can afford, and we want to help you too! To start hearing better today, contact us.