“My dog chewed it” was never a good excuse for homework, but unfortunately, it does happen to hearing aids. A lot of things are out of our control. Rest easy knowing that your hearing aid is protected from the unknowns in life.
Save up to $223 compared to full price replacements. Simply call our support line, 888-570-2740, to get a repair authorization, mail your hearing aid to us, we take care of the rest. With a small deductible, you will have a repaired or replaced hearing aid back to you in no time.
With our Extended Warranty + Damage Protection Plan, you receive an additional 6 months of coverage added to your complimentary 6-month warranty. That's a full year of coverage! In addition, you also have coverage over that year for damage not included in our traditional warranty.
Extended Warranty – You are covered on: |
+ Damage Protection – You are covered on: |
- This warranty is exclusively for the HC206 and HCRC
- The warranty must be purchased at the same time as you purchase your hearing aid
- You must send your damaged hearing aid back in order to submit a damage claim
- There will be a $50 deductible for each damaged hearing aid
- Only one damage claim can be made per hearing aid purchased
- This policy does not cover loss of your hearing aid
- If you return your hearing aid during your trial period, the cost of this extended warranty and damage protection will be refunded (as long as you have not already exercised the damage protection)