
They may be changed as often as you feel it's needed. However, we recommend changing them at least once every 3 months. Regular visual inspection can oftentimes extend the use or alert you if they need to be cleaned.  For instructions on how to change your tubes and domes, watch the video below.

How to Change Tubes and Domes


If your rechargable hearing aid has stopped producing sound, there is a simple way to troubleshoot and discover if the problem can be easily resolved.

Step 1.

Make sure your HCR3 is fully charged. (watch video below)

HCR3 Charging

Step 2.

Once your hearing aid is fully charged, turn your hearing aid on by pressing the program button for three seconds. Next quickly press the top of the volume rocker several time to ensure it is at its maximum volume.  To learn where the HCR3 volume control and program button are located watch the video below.

HCR3 Overview

Step 3.

Remove the sound tube by pinching the base of the plastic tube and twisting it counterclockwise. Watch the video below to see how to remove the tube

How to Change Tubes and Domes

Step 4.

Place the HCR3 in the palm of your hand and close your fingers around it. Then hold the HCR3 close to your ear. If you hear a highpitched squeal the hearing aid is working.

Cupping the HCR3

Step 5.

To learn how to clean your hearing tube watch the video below.

How to Clean Your Tubes

If you could not hear a squeal or were unable to charge your HCR3 please call 1-888-570-2740 or email


You can help prevent hearing aid damage due to moisture with these tips:

  • Don't store your hearing aids in a humid or moist environment, like the bathroom or kitchen.
  • If your hearing aid is rechargeable, wipe your hearing aid down with an alcohol pad or rubbing alcohol to remove moisture before recharging. 
  • Place your hearing aids in a dry aid jar overnight to absorb any moisture (highly recommended if you live in a humid area or wear your hearing aids while exercising or working outdoors, which can expose them to perspiration).
  • If you have our HearClear HCR3 Rechargeable Hearing Aids, you can use HearClear USB Plugs to help protect the interior of your devices from moisture.

Moisture damage does void your hearing aid's warranty. Please be careful not to expose your hearing aids to moisture of any kind!

Protecting Your Hearing Aids from Moisture


All Advanced Affordable Hearing Aids are equipped with feedback reduction as well as noise reduction.  That said, whistling is common with any hearing aids and there are simple steps one can take in order to reduce or eliminate it. 

  • First, make sure that your ears are completely free of wax.
  • Next, find the proper sized (preferably closed or double closed) dome that will be comfortable but also create a seal in the ear canal.
  • Then, make sure (with the dome flush into the ear canal) that the hearing aid is resting comfortably behind your ear.  If it is resting on top, feedback is more likely and can be stopped just by replacing the tube with one that is longer. 
  • Finally, if the hearing aid is equipped with a 'trimpot' marked with an H, turn the trimpot counterclockwise until the whistling stops.

If you have completed these steps and are still experiencing issues with feedback or whistling, we encourage you to contact our customer support team at 1-888-570-2740 so that we can further assist you. You may also consider watching the video below.

Reducing Feedback


We have trained technicians available for support Monday through Friday to help you with any questions you might have. Please call them at 1-888-570-2740.

You can also visit our video page to watch instructional videos concerning your hearing aids.
