How long does the Damage Protection Plan cover my hearing aids?
Advanced Affordable Hearing's comprehensive Damage Protection Plan covers your hearing aids for one full year. If you have purchased the Damage Protection Plan and your hearing aids are damaged in that time frame, we will replace the damaged devices for a $100 deductible per hearing aid.
How does the warranty work?
Every hearing aid we sell comes with either a 6 month or 1 year warranty against manufacturer defects. Any damage that is not the direct result of manufacturers' defects is not covered under the warranty.
If the hearing aid stops working properly, please remove the tube completely, then put a fresh battery in. Turn the volume to 4 and cup the aid in your hand. If it whistles, the hearing aid is working fine, but there is a blockage in the tube. Tubes can be purchased for all of our hearing aids from this site.
If the hearing aid is sent to us and only a cleaning is needed for an otherwise properly working hearing aid, there will be a charge of $20 to clean one aid and $25 for a pair including first-class USPS return shipping.
If the aid is still not producing sound with the tubing removed, please call 1-888-570-2740 to set-up a repair service. In-warranty repairs are free; the user just covers shipping. Out of warranty repairs are available in most situations and cost between $75 and $199 per aid.
How do I prevent hearing aid damage due to moisture?
You can help prevent hearing aid damage due to moisture with these tips:
- Don't store your hearing aids in a humid or moist environment, like the bathroom or kitchen.
- If your hearing aid is rechargeable, wipe your hearing aid down with an alcohol pad or rubbing alcohol to remove moisture before recharging.
- Place your hearing aids in a dry aid jar overnight to absorb any moisture (highly recommended if you live in a humid area or wear your hearing aids while exercising or working outdoors, which can expose them to perspiration).
- If you have our HearClear HCR3 Rechargeable Hearing Aids, you can use HearClear USB Plugs to help protect the interior of your devices from moisture.
Moisture damage does void your hearing aid's warranty. Please be careful not to expose your hearing aids to moisture of any kind!
Protecting Your Hearing Aids from Moisture