Many are surprised to learn that when your hearing aids arrive, you won’t immediately start hearing better. In fact, most hearing aid wearers experience a 3 to 5 week adjustment. This is because your brain and ears need time to adjust to hearing better.
Although this adjustment period will eventually lead to improved hearing, it can be a challenge, especially in the workplace. Most workplaces present their own set of obstacles, from meetings with competing voices and background noise to conference calls over the phone.
While your hearing aids will eventually make your job easier, it would be nice to make that transition a smooth one. To make adjusting to your hearing aids just a little less difficult, here are 5 tips.
1. Communicate with your employer.
First and foremost, you’ll want to share your diagnosis with your employer. To ensure that your employer offers the necessary accommodations for you to do your job, you’ll need to acquire a formal diagnosis from your doctor. With your diagnosis in hand, you should share your needs with your employer and acquire the accommodations you need.
If possible, set aside a time to discuss your hearing loss with them. That way, your employer will not only be aware of your hearing loss, but you can show them your hearing aids, make note that you’re still adjusting to them, and explain the best ways to communicate with you during this transitional period.
One aspect of adjusting to your new hearing aids is setting the proper expectations. Our Tech Team has outlined What to Expect with new hearing aids.
2. Explain your needs to your fellow employees.
If you’re working with a team, you should share your hearing loss with them as well. By understanding your diagnosis, your team will be able to work with you more effectively and complete projects more efficiently. You may even share these tips with them on How to Effectively Communicate with People with Hearing Loss.
More importantly, make your coworkers aware that you are still adjusting to your hearing aids. Regardless of your chosen adjustment method, there are probably periods of time where you will not be wearing your hearing aids, which can change how they communicate with you.
Learn more about the Quick Start Method and Gradual Method here.
3. Seek additional accommodations as needed.
When adjusting to your hearing aids, you may still face some issues hearing to the best of your abilities. As such, there’s a strong chance that you will still need some additional accommodations for your hearing loss.
For example, if your company holds weekly meetings, you may suggest that the meetings be held in well-lit areas with minimal background noise. Additionally, you may request a written agenda, for instance, to ensure that you are able to follow along with the meeting as well as possible.
4. Familiarize yourself with your hearing aids.
Now that you have hearing aids, you’ll be using them daily to help you hear your best. That being said, understanding how your hearing aids work plays a critical role in using them properly.
For instance, many hearing aids come with several pre-programmed settings for specific listening environments. The HCEQ Smart BTE hearing aid, for example, comes with four programs for the following listening environments: all around, restaurants, traffic, and outdoors. Plus, it allows you to make adjustments to your hearing aids using your smartphone.
Being aware of features like these will allow you to select the best program setting for the listening environment you are in. That way, you’ll be able to play your part in ensuring that you’re hearing your best at work.
Distressed by your hearing loss diagnosis? Follow these 5 Steps to Help Ease the Burden of Hearing Loss.
5. Be patient with yourself and your hearing.
While you may know that adjusting to your hearing aids will be worth it in the end, it can be easy to become frustrated and consider giving up. Keep in mind that your ears and brain need the time to re-learn how to hear.
Just like you learned to read and write in school, or how to ride a bike, your body will need to take baby steps before it fully adjusts. You may also need to get used to hearing the sounds you haven’t heard in a while, like birds chirping or the humming of a refrigerator.
Although hearing these sounds again may be strange, they are exciting signs that your ears are on their way to hearing better once again.
Have any other questions about hearing better?
Whether you need hearing aids or have questions about hearing better, Advanced Affordable Hearing is here. Our mission is to help people hear better at a price they can afford, including you. By pre-programming our hearing aids to accommodate mild to moderate hearing losses, we’re able to keep our prices low.
As an added bonus, our customer service representatives are happy to discuss your hearing loss with you and help you to find the best type of hearing aids for your loss.
Don’t hesitate to contact us now.