Oh no! Your hearing aids are making a whistling sound, and it's making it more difficult for you to hear. You may be experiencing hearing aid feedback. Let's take a moment to look at what it is and how to resolve it.
What is hearing aid feedback?
There are two types of acoustic feedback: that produced internally from the hearing aid, indicating a device in need of repair; and the more common external feedback produced by a leakage of amplified sound out of the ear canal and back into the microphone of the hearing aid.
Feedback that occurs when the hearing aid is being inserted or removed or when your hand is cupped near the device is common and does not necessarily signal the need for action.
What hearing aid styles cause feedback?
Feedback is more likely to occur in smaller hearing devices because the microphone is closer to the area at which the sound comes out into the ear. So, a behind-the-ear style may be less likely to produce feedback than in in-the-canal style device.
How can I reduce feedback?
Watch the video below for a helpful guide on reducing feedback.
If you have any questions about feedback, please contact our helpful staff!
Since 1996, Advanced Affordable Hearing has taken pride in offering hearing aids at a price you can afford. For more information on how you can start your journey to improved hearing, contact us now.