Loved One Struggling with Hearing: Assist with 5 Easy Tips

loved one having trouble with hearing assisted by wife


If your loved one struggles with hearing, assist them using our 5 easy tips to boost communication and improve the chances that they’ll seek help. 

1. Be Understanding and Patient 

When a loved one suffers from hearing loss, communication can be frustrating for both of you.

Oftentimes, those with hearing loss will ask people to repeat things they missed, and that can be annoying for the loved one closest to them, especially if the person asking refuses to get help for their hearing loss.

Remember, though, that your loved one is suffering from a medical condition, and they need your help. It is sometimes difficult for people to admit to their hearing problems, especially when the hearing problems are related to age, and it may take some time for them to get to the point where they are willing to seek assistance.

Talking to your loved one openly about their hearing loss sometimes helps, and we have provided recommendations on how to handle such conversations in our article: How to Talk to Your Loved One About Hearing Loss.

2. Learn How to Better Communicate with Those with Hearing Loss 

There are small measures you can take to help someone with hearing loss better understand you.

Examples Include:

  • Speaking as clearly as possible
  • Facing the person with hearing loss, even if your words are directed at someone else
  • Ensuring the person with hearing loss can see your face to help them in reading your lips and seeing your expressions
  • Don’t try to hold conversations in noisy areas. Instead, find a quiet spot where you can talk. 

We have other tips available in our article: How to Effectively Communicate with People with Hearing Loss.

The most important thing to keep in mind is just to be mindful of their hearing loss.  

3. Offer Assistance in Obtaining a Hearing Aid 

Once your loved one has come to terms with his or her hearing loss, you can offer your assistance in obtaining a hearing aid.

Some people with hearing loss prefer to have a family member or friend accompany them when they go to appointments with their doctor. That way, they don’t miss any important information.

If your loved one plans to have his or her hearing checked by a doctor, it might be a kind and comforting gesture for you to offer to go with them to the appointment.

Similarly, your loved one may appreciate help with ordering a hearing aid over the telephone. Our customers with hearing loss sometimes have a hard time communicating during a phone conversation, therefore they will often ask if a friend or family member can provide assistance for them.

By offering to help your loved one order a hearing aid in advance, it may alleviate some of the stress that they are feeling about the situation and make their overall experience more beneficial. Remember, one of the most important things about making the hearing aid experience a success is a person’s willingness to wear hearing aids. Therefore, anything you can do to help along those lines is a big positive. 

Hearing Aids as a Gift


Still struggling with how to talk to your loved one about hearing loss? Read more tips in our article How to Tell Your Parents They Need Hearing Aids.  


4. Assist with the New Hearing Aid 

When your loved one finally brings their new hearing aids home and is ready to use them, there are a few ways you can help with the transition:

1) Make sure the hearing aid, tubes and domes all fit correctly

We provide videos and written instructions along with your hearing aid order to explain how to fit your hearing aid properly.

It is easy to do, but some people with hearing loss also have dexterity or vision issues, which can make handling a hearing aid more difficult, especially when they need to read instructions.

They may find it very helpful if you assist them in fitting and using their hearing aid for the first time. 

2) Learn how to use the features of their hearing aid

Our hearing aids (and most hearing aids on the market) include a variety of features, and the person with hearing loss will get the best performance out of their hearing aids by learning how to use them correctly.

You can help your loved one by learning the features of their specific hearing aid yourself, so that you can be ensure they are being used correctly in all situations.

For example, our HCR3 Rechargeable Hearing Aid and our HCRD Rechargeable Hearing Aid both include 4 program settings to suit a variety of sound environments.

One of the settings is Television. If you are watching television, your hearing aid will perform best for you if it is set to that sound environment. 

5. Be Aware of the Limitations of Hearing Aids 

It is important to realize that hearing aids will not cure hearing loss or return your loved one’s hearing to what it was before they suffered hearing loss. However, hearing aids can help you hear more clearly again, which will in turn provide other positive side effects to their lifestyle.

You may still need to make accommodations for their hearing loss at times, even when they are wearing their hearing aids.

This is where step number one will come in handy again. Be understanding and patient whenever possible. Also, remember the tips for communicating with people with hearing loss and employ them when necessary.

If your loved one has decided it’s time for a hearing aid or has questions about what hearing aid is right for them, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Advanced Affordable Hearing team at 1 (800) 804-0434.

However, remember to do so with their permission. It is important that the person with hearing loss is involved in any purchase of a hearing aid! We do not recommend buying a hearing aid as a gift without the person’s knowledge.  


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