Understanding the Types of Hearing Loss: Cookie Bite Hearing Loss

Understanding the Types of Hearing Loss: Cookie Bite Hearing Loss

There are many different types of hearing loss. Understanding the different types of hearing loss and their terminology can help you to make the right choice when it comes to choosing a hearing aid.

Today, we're looking at what is perhaps a lesser-known type of hearing loss: cookie bite hearing loss, also be called soup plate, U-shaped, or pool hearing loss. The reason why it is most commonly called cookie bite hearing loss is due to the size and shape of an audiogram curve that resembles a cookie with a bite taken out of it.

Understanding the Level of Hearing in Cookie Bite Hearing Loss

Someone suffering from cookie bite hearing loss is likely to experience difficulty hearing mid-frequency sounds while maintaining the ability to hear high and low-frequency sounds. An example of medium-frequency sounds would be a conversation, a show at the theatre or a TV at a normal volume level. Mid-frequency noises are preferred and more comfortable by people with “normal” hearing, which means that interacting in most social activities happens at this mid-frequency level. This means that cookie bite hearing loss can make everyday activities difficult.

Treatments for Cookie Bite Hearing Loss

Cookie bite hearing loss is a rare type of sensorineural hearing loss, which means that it is permanent, and a cure is not available. It is a rare condition in comparison to more commonly known types of hearing loss. The cause of the damage is usually genetic, although it can more rarely be caused by damage or disease. Although aging is not a cause for the hearing loss, the cause could be confused with aging because it is often not diagnosed until later in life, around the age of 30. Symptoms do not appear to the sufferer until this time, despite the loss having been most likely present from birth.

Coping with Cookie Bite Hearing Loss

In many cases, a hearing aid can make a huge difference to the problem for cookie bite hearing-loss sufferers. Although it won't completely restore your hearing to a normal frequency, it can help you to hear more clearly. It is important that your hearing aid provides amplification in the mid-range frequencies.

At Advanced Affordable Hearing, all of our hearing aids are designed to boost volume and improve high-frequency sounds, which provide some mid-frequency improvement as well. Our HCZ3 Digital Hearing Aid includes a high-frequency trimpot that allows you to fine-tune the high/mid frequency adjustments to a greater degree.

Using a hearing aid as soon as symptoms are noticeable helps to keep the condition from worsening with age. It really is worth taking good care of yourself if you have this type of hearing loss because treatments are effective and will ensure you stay well. Although this is a rare condition, appropriate hearing aids do not need to be expensive. 


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