Being able to understand the differences between hearing loss types can help those who suffer from hearing loss, and those who help sufferers, to choose the right hearing aids and treatments. Every person with hearing loss needs a hearing aid tailored to the type of hearing loss they are experiencing. Today, we are taking a closer look at one of the rarer types of hearing loss: mixed hearing loss.
What is Mixed Hearing Loss?
Mixed hearing loss is a blend of two types of hearing loss: sensorineural hearing loss and conductive hearing loss. In order to understand mixed hearing loss, we need to understand the other forms of hearing loss. Both hearing loss are named by the place in the ear where the damage has occurred.
Conductive hearing loss refers to damage in the outer or middle ear. Due to this damage, the transmission of sound is blocked or significantly hindered from reaching the inner ear, where it is processed as sound to the brain. In contrast, sensori-neural hearing loss is caused by damage to the inner ear. This means that sound is successfully transmitted, but reaches a damaged inner part that is crucial to the hearing process.
With these forms of hearing loss in mind, mixed hearing loss refers to damage in all three parts of the ear, the inner, middle and outer ear.
The Level of Hearing in Mixed Hearing Loss
Since mixed hearing loss is a blend of two hearing loss types, one's level of hearing will be dependent on which hearing loss type is dominant. If a person predominantly experiences sensorineural hearing loss, he may have difficulty perceiving the intensity of sound and consonants, making it difficult to identify what is being said or hear a conversation above background noise. In contrast, if a person mostly experiences conductive hearing loss, he may struggle to perceive any type of sound at all, making hearing anything difficult.
Treatments and Coping with Mixed Hearing Loss
Because of the variable nature of mixed hearing loss, treatments may vary from person to person. In most cases, the conductive hearing loss can be treated by a medical professional, while a hearing aid may be used to make up for the permanant hearing loss caused by the sensorineural hearing loss.
Advanced Affordable Hearing helps people like you to hear better at a price you can afford. To get started on your journey to hearing better, visit our Online Hearing Check, or call one of our friendly representatives at 1 (800) 804-0434, to get a sense of your level of hearing loss. After that, order the right hearing aids for you!
Don't hesitate to contact us now.
Source: betterhearing.org
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