Is Your Loved One Ready To Start Wearing Hearing Aids?


Before You Buy Your Loved One Hearing Aids A Step-by-Step Guide to Better Hearing



When a loved one, such as a parent, begins to experience hearing loss, our first thought is often to help them by giving the gift of hearing aids. However, while purchasing hearing aids is simple, there is more to consider.

Wearing hearing aids can improve a person's hearing and quality of life; however, taking that first step can be difficult for some, and many people are resistant to change. We hope this guide will help make the decision easier by providing you with information to share with your loved ones. 



The best hearing aids are those that a person is willing to wear. When a person has committed to allowing hearing aids to help, the results can be life-changing.


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Is your loved one ready to start hearing better?  

Before you go any further, it is imperative to determine if your loved one is committed to using hearing aids.

The numbers tell a story...


  91% of hearing aid purchasers in 2017 were satisfied

90% of hearing aid wearers would recommend them

BEFORE buying, you should be able to answer ‘yes’ to the following questions.


  • Does your loved one desire to try hearing aids?
  • Do they agree that they need hearing aids?
  • Do they have the dexterity to adjust, clean, and/or change batteries?
    • If not, is someone available to help them?
    • If batteries are an issue, could they use a rechargeable device?
  • Are they aware that adjusting to hearing aids takes several weeks?
  • Do they understand that hearing aids cannot fully restore hearing?

If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions…

STOP DO NOT purchase hearing aids


You should discuss hearing loss with your loved one first. Keep reading below for more tips.



Things to Discuss BEFORE Buying Hearing Aids

1. Determine if your loved one WANTS to hear better.

If your loved one has yet to accept their hearing loss, start a conversation with them about it.

Some people are content and don’t want to hear better because they are not willing to commit to wearing hearing aids. Buying hearing aids for this type of person will most likely result in the hearing aids not being used. This is certainly not the answer we want to hear; however, in some cases, we may need to accept that a person doesn't want to be helped. To repeat, their desire to hear better is imperative for hearing aids to work.

Before they can express interest in hearing better, they will need to accept the fact there is a hearing loss present. Refer to the Helping To Accept Hearing Loss section below for more tips on how to start that conversation. Once they have accepted their hearing loss and expressed interest in improving their hearing, then you can help them to set realistic expectations about how hearing aids can help.

Success with hearing aids is dependent on the hearing aid wearer's commitment to improving their hearing.

2. Consider how hearing loss affects their life.

Since hearing loss often occurs over a long period of time, a person may not even recognize their own symptoms. For example, your loved one may not realize that the TV volume is uncomfortable for others because they have become accustomed to the volume that works for them. Hearing loss can negatively impact conversations with friends and family members to time spent with children and grandchildren.

Ask your loved one which areas of their life they feel have been adversely affected by their hearing loss and which of those that they would like to see improve. Then, share how hearing aids might help with those improvements.

3. Remember who these hearing aids are for.

Yes, these hearing aids will make your life easier. For instance, you may no longer find the need to repeat yourself to be heard. However, the focus should be on how these hearing aids will improve your loved one’s quality of life. In doing so, their relationships and communication skills will show marked improvement, which will make things easier for everyone involved.

4. Take your time, and develop a plan.

Be sure to do the proper research, and ask the right questions, so that you can prepare ahead of time. Most importantly, develop a plan for selecting hearing aids that you and your loved one are comfortable with. Consider financial concerns, type of hearing loss, lifestyle, and more.

Helping To Accept Hearing Loss

1. Acknowledge signs of hearing loss.

Oftentimes, people do not accept their hearing loss because they cannot recognize their own signs of hearing loss. Here are 6 common signs. 

Telephone: If the volume on your phone is always at or near max.

Restaurants: If you choose where to dine by noise levels over food quality.

T.V.:  If you turn up the volume until others complain.

Asking people to repeat: If asking “What?” has become an irritant to friends and family.

Vehicle conversation: If road noise prevents road-trip conversation.

Intimate conversation: If whispers cannot be understood from an arm's length away.


If your loved one regularly experiences many of the signs above, they probably have a hearing loss that can be treated. Hearing aids are designed to specifically address issues such as these and can certainly help make life easier. 

NOTE: If there is a question about whether or not hearing loss is present, encourage them to get a hearing test in order to get a conclusive answer.

2. Show empathy and understanding.

Accepting one's hearing loss can be a difficult process. Understand that your loved one will need time and space to accept life with hearing loss. Talk with them, be supportive, and assure them there is a positive side to this new reality. When they are ready, take the journey with them and help them find the right hearing aids to meet their needs. Helping your loved one to hear better should be a team effort.

3. Provide the facts about hearing loss.

Those with hearing loss should be aware of the links between hearing loss and other health issues, such as Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, diabetes, arthritis, and depression.

Furthermore, they need to understand that hearing loss will not get better. In fact, it will likely continue to worsen. At this point, the best that they can do is to manage their symptoms by finding hearing aids that will help them hear better. 

4. Share the benefits of hearing aids.

Research shows that hearing aids...

Enhance memory.

Delay dementia

Reduce depressive symptoms

Improve relationships


Setting Expectations

Many people have the misconception that when their hearing aids arrive, they’ll experience improved hearing on the spot. Help your loved one to erase this myth and set realistic expectations.

Did You Know?


Hearing aids cannot restore hearing; they enhance existing hearing.

Because our brains are accustomed to using both ears to hear, 2 hearing aids will improve hearing by up to 3 times as much as just 1 hearing aid.

Our brains and ears require some time to adjust to our newly acquired ability to hear. For most people, this adjustment takes 3 to 4 weeks.


Once the hearing aids arrive, a good plan of action would be to wear the hearing aids for a gradually increasing period of time each day. This will allow the brain and ears to get used to the hearing aids at a comfortable pace, while also allowing for rest periods in between, so that they do not get overwhelmed.

What to Expect for Each Hearing Loss



  • Soft sounds will be louder, especially high pitched sounds like the “TH” sound in “this.”

  • Rather than an increase in volume, you’ll see an improved perception of clarity.

  • Sharp sounding squeaks and rattles be will louder.


  • Those with this loss will gain the most, which also means more change to get used to.

  • Nearly all sounds will be louder, so prepare to experience a louder world than before.

Severe to Profound

  • Understanding speech in moderate and above noise levels will still be a problem, but less of one.

  • Anticipate a major improvement in speech discrimination in low noise.


Are You Ready to Buy?

When your loved one has reached the point of acceptance, has committed to wearing hearing aids and understands the expectations - then you are ready to buy on their behalf. Our staff is trained to help find the device that will best match each person and their unique needs. Here are a few things that we will need to know:

1. What’s their hearing loss like?

Hearing better means living better.

The most common type of hearing loss is high-frequency or high-pitch hearing loss. This is quite common as people get older and is characterized by the inability to understand some conversation and/or hear sounds in the high-frequency range, such as birds chirping or the phone ringing. The degree to which you are experiencing high-frequency loss is defined in ranges from Moderate to Noticeable to Significant to Severe to Profound.

By visiting our Online Hearing Check you will be able to get a better sense of the range of your loved one’s level of hearing loss by answering a few questions about the challenges they are experiencing. The answers provided will attempt to guide you towards a hearing aid that will be the best fit for you to manage your hearing loss. 

It is important to note that hearing aids from Advanced Affordable Hearing are not designed to be programmed to a specific hearing test. Instead, they are pre-programmed to high-frequency losses and include volume adjustments and memory settings based on your degree of loss. 

2. What’s their lifestyle like?

Different hearing aids suit different lifestyles. For example, the HCRD provides the best background noise reduction for those with an active lifestyle. For those that spend most of their time in quieter environments, the HCR3 or HC206 might be sufficient. If dexterity issues might make it difficult for a person to change batteries, then a rechargeable device such as the HCR3 might be the right choice.

The point is that there are choices to make and by speaking with someone from Advanced Affordable Hearing, they can help guide you towards the device that will work best for you.

3. What is your budget?

The cost of Advanced Affordable hearing aids range starts at a mere $149 for a single, basic HC206 starter hearing aid and ranges up to the more advanced HCEQ Smart BTE at $429 each.


Why Choose Advanced Affordable Hearing?

We're here to help your loved one hear better and for a price you can afford


  1. - Thousands of Satisfied Customers
  2. - Risk Free 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
  3. - Six Month to One Year Warranty
  4. - Friendly, Knowledgeable Customer Support 
  5. - We are More Than Just Hearing Aids
  6. - Better Business Bureau A+ Rating

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Further Reading

Talking to Your Loved One

Benefits of Hearing Aids

New Hearing Aid Wearers

Hearing Loss & Your Health